A LIVE Virtual Event to Learn How to Launch, Monetize & Amplify Your Voice

Join us: JULY 14-16, 2022


Discover Secret Strategies to Easily Attract & Close Your Ideal Clients by Leveraging the Power of Podcasting and Virtual Events

Join Us JULY 14-16, 2022

"Will This Work for Me?"

It did for these people, and more each day...

Uncage Your Voice

Attract your dream clients, and generate a 6-7 figure income online!

Influence is a business.

It’s the business of tapping into the powerful message you already have so you can attract attract your dream clients, and close easier and faster with confidence.

But here’s the thing:

If you don’t know how to talk about your hero journey in a way that resonates, or share the results you’ve helped others achieve…

You will struggle to get out of the feast-famine hamster wheel of business.

And in this 3-day virtual event you will be upgraded in order to change ALL of that.

Tap Into the Power of Podcasting

to build your business faster, simpler, and easier...

You don’t have to be a salesperson to sell your services.

You only need to speak into the values and problems that your ideal clients already care about.

The easiest way to share your expertise is by creating what I call “infotainment” on your own platform.

Today, that means launching your voice with a Podcast and through Clubhouse; which you will learn to do step-by-step at this event.

Launch Your Influence

Attract your ideal clients, close more sales, faster and easier...NO More Hard Closes...

Finally, you may now say GOODBYE to:

  • Feeling like you don’t know what to say or how to show up on your first/next podcast show
  • Wasting time making content for a gazillion platforms
  • Relying on referrals for business
  • Playing down your accomplishments
  • Settling for low-ticket clients

Then it’s time to build your own platform leveraging a podcast.

It’s the easiest, fastest way to becoming an influencer (without being a movie star!)

It's Not Just a Brand

You’re Launching Your VOICE and Spring-boarding Your Profits for Years To Come.

Did You Know?

Podcasts are becoming a profit center for influencers and brands

  • There are currently 850,000 active podcasts, which is a startling 70% increase from 500,000 in February 2018 (Podcast Insights, 2021)
  • 51% of the overall US population has listened to a podcast at least once, which is up 7% compared to 2018 (Oberlo, 2021)
  • 54% of podcast listeners consider buying from a brand after hearing its advertisement on a podcast (eMarketer, 2019)
  • Podcast advertising revenue is projected to surpass $1 billion annually by 2021 (eMarketer, 2019)

Other Social Audio platforms like Clubhouse are growing fast because people are hungry for authentic, REAL connection...

And audio is the easiest way to consume any content.

Your Host: Heather Havenwood

Heather Ann Havenwood is a top authority on podcast marketing and business strategies. She is the host of “The Uncaged Entrepreneur” podcast covering insights with influencers and other badass entrepreneurs, like herself.

  • Heather has built 3 million dollar knowledge-based businesses online from scratch
  • Recognized by The Stevie Awards as “The Most Innovative Woman of the Year - in Social Media for 2020”
  • Awarded “Top Media Mogul 2020” by the Woman of Achievement Association
  • Named “Top 50 Must-Follow Women Entrepreneurs of 2017” by Huffington Post
  • Author of “Power Guesting “ (2017) and “Sexy Boss” (2014)
  • Scaled many online businesses from zero to millions, barely lifting a finger
  • Founded “Influencer Growth Academy”, Elite Coaching and Education for Leaders, and has shown hundreds of people how to leverage social audio to multiply their profits

A Successful Influence Launch

Can help you do the following:

  • Position yourself as an expert with confidence
  • Grow your email list organically
  • Attract your dream clients
  • Leverage virtual stages like Clubhouse
  • Raise your rates and create new streams of income

The best part is that you don't have to figure out how to launch a podcast on your own…

Or even what to say or how to share your content across all social media channels.

I'll help you start, grow, and leverage your podcast, step-by-step, together over this 3-day virtual event.

What Experts Say About Heather...

AJ Puedan

President of Success Coach Technologies

"She really is an amazing genius. What makes her an effective marketer of podcasts is that she truly understands influence and how that fits into the business model you want to accomplish."

Kelly Charles

Founder of Ladies Who Leverage

"Working with Heather has been a game changer. Instead of thinking about my Ladies Who Leverage community in a silo as one thing I do, she challenged me to look at LWL as an entire ecosystem that I needed to leverage to create the influence and impact I envisioned for LWL. That simple mindset shift has resulted in a 28% increase in my community’s membership in 2.5 months. And it’s growing everyday. So glad I listened to Heather. "

Ryan Deiss

CEO of DigitalMarketer.com

"I gathered actionable and measurable steps that could be incorporated that will make immediate gains."

...and a Few More Raves from Heather's Tribe!

A 3 Day Virtual Event

Here's what we will focus on each day



Craft Your Message

Discover WHO is Your Right Fit Client. Clarity of Your Message. It's all about creating your authentic relatable message.



Expand Your Reach!

You'll get access to my DM scripts that I used to reach out to more than 400 top authority podcasts to truly expand my reach, and the do's and don'ts to becoming an effective podcast guest.



You're One Show Away!

You're One Podcast Show Away from the success you desire. At the end of this event, you will have actionable steps to creatively launch your podcast to springboard your profits and become an authority in your niche/industry...

Still Not Sure?

See How HeatherAnn Helped Others

Launch Their Voice and Create Passive Income Inside Their Business

Reserve Your Seat

A 3-Day Virtual Event on July 14-16, 2022

Here's What You'll Learn

at Influencer Profit Live aka Podcasting Secrets

As business coach Jim Rohn famously said, “You are paid for your value in the market.”

Your job as an influencer is to add value to the marketplace.

What is value?

It is a buzzword that is thrown around a lot…


The more attention, exposure, and visibility your message gets, the greater impact you have in the marketplace.

The more impact you have through social and podcast media, the more people want to buy from you and brands want to advertise with you.


Put simply, the more influence you have, the more impact you create, and the more income you receive.

  • Start, grow and leverage your own podcast to command influence for your business
  • Attract affluent clients by creating more visibility, attention and exposure in your niche leveraging my "3-Part Influencer Growth Ladder"

  • Create several streams of passive income following the "7-step UNCAGED Framework" that Heather Ann discovered after launching 3 separate million-dollar online information businesses
  • Shift your mindset from “selling yourself” to “sharing your expertise” with my "Reframe Your Confidence" workshop
  • Maximize your reach in half the time using the "iDOMME Effect" (an automatic system to turn one podcast episode into 10 or more pieces of content to repost on social media)

PLUS, you’ll have the step-by-step roadmap to launch your own platform and fast-track your profits and path to prosperity!

  • Start, grow and leverage your own podcast to grow your audio influence and your business
  • Attract affluent clients by creating more visibility, attention and exposure in your niche leveraging my 3-Part Influencer Growth Ladder
  • Create several streams of passive income following the 7-step UNCAGED Framework that HeatherAnn discovered after launching 3 separate million-dollar online information businesses
  • Shift your mindset from “selling yourself” to “sharing your expertise” with my Reframe Your Confidence workshop
  • Maximize your reach in half the time using the iDOMME effect (an automatic system to turn one podcast episode into 10 or more pieces of content to repost on social media)

A Virtual Event on Podcasting as a Business Strategy

@Copyright Haven Media 2022

Discover Which Cutting- Edge Strategies Are Working Today To Grow Your Business Online.

Thumbnail caption freeze (pick one quote only):

“You’re not launching a podcast. You’re launching your voice. This is your platform and everything springboards from here.”


“She took 6 months worth of figuring out your own podcast and put it into a weekend”


"Heather goes above and beyond the value you pay for"